How Long Does It Take to Become a Registered Nurse in Australia?

How long does it take to register as a nurse in Australia? The process can vary depending on your qualifications and experience, but generally, it takes around 12-18 months to complete. In this article, we’ll provide you with a comprehensive guide to the registration process, including the eligibility requirements, application process, and timeline.

The registration process for nurses in Australia is managed by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA). AHPRA sets the national standards for nursing registration and ensures that all nurses meet the required competencies to practice safely and effectively.

Registration Process

The registration process for nurses in Australia is managed by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA). To become a registered nurse in Australia, you must meet the eligibility requirements, submit an application, and provide the necessary documentation.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Hold a recognized nursing qualification from an Australian university or an overseas qualification that is deemed equivalent by AHPRA.
  • Have completed at least 1,200 hours of supervised clinical practice.
  • Be of good character and have no criminal convictions that would prevent you from practicing as a nurse.

Application Process

To apply for registration, you must submit an online application through the AHPRA website. The application fee is $ 210. You will need to provide the following documentation with your application:

  • A certified copy of your nursing qualification.
  • A certified copy of your passport or birth certificate.
  • A certified copy of your criminal history check.
  • Two references from registered nurses who can attest to your character and competence.

Once your application is complete, it will be assessed by AHPRA. If your application is approved, you will be issued a registration certificate.

Timeline and Duration

The duration of the registration process can vary depending on individual circumstances and the time of year. However, it typically takes around 3-6 months to complete the process.

Factors that can influence the duration of the process include:

  • The time it takes for the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) to process your application.
  • The time it takes for your employer to provide the necessary documentation.
  • The time it takes for you to complete any required additional training or assessment.

Tracking Your Application

You can track the progress of your application by logging into the NMBA’s online portal. The portal will provide you with updates on the status of your application and any outstanding requirements.

Additional Considerations

How long does it take to register as a nurse in Australia?

Choosing the right registration pathway, maintaining professional development, and understanding the consequences of failing to register or renew are crucial for nurses in Australia.

Selecting the appropriate registration pathway ensures that nurses meet the necessary qualifications and experience requirements for their desired practice setting. Professional development and continuing education are essential for maintaining registration and enhancing nursing skills and knowledge.

Consequences of Failing to Register or Renew Registration

Failure to register or renew registration can have significant consequences, including:

  • Inability to practice nursing legally in Australia
  • Loss of employment or limitations in career advancement
  • Potential legal or disciplinary action

State-Specific Variations: How Long Does It Take To Register As A Nurse In Australia?

The registration process for nurses in Australia can vary slightly across different states and territories due to varying regulations and requirements. It is essential to be aware of these state-specific differences when planning to register as a nurse in Australia.

Each state and territory has its own nursing regulatory body responsible for overseeing the registration and regulation of nurses within its jurisdiction. These bodies set the specific requirements and timelines for nurse registration, which may include differences in:

Registration Requirements

  • Educational qualifications required for registration
  • Experience requirements, if any
  • Language proficiency requirements
  • Criminal background checks

Registration Timelines, How long does it take to register as a nurse in Australia?

  • The time it takes to process a registration application
  • The validity period of a registration
  • Renewal requirements and timelines

Implications of Moving to a Different State

If you are a registered nurse in one Australian state or territory and wish to move to another, you may need to apply for registration in the new state. The process and requirements for interstate registration can vary, so it is important to contact the relevant nursing regulatory body in the new state for specific information.

Interested in knowing how long it takes to register as a nurse in Australia? To get started on your journey to becoming a registered nurse, you’ll need to find out more about the process. How do I become a registered nurse in Australia? covers all the details you need to know, including the registration process and timeline.

Resources and Support

How long does it take to register as a nurse in Australia?

Navigating the registration process as a nurse in Australia can be simplified with the help of various resources and support systems.

Professional organizations such as the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF) and the Australian College of Nursing (ACN) offer valuable guidance, networking opportunities, and professional development resources for nurses.

Government Agencies

Government agencies like the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) play a crucial role in regulating the nursing profession and providing information on registration requirements.

Online Tools and Resources

Online tools and resources, including the AHPRA website and the ANMF’s NurseConnect platform, provide comprehensive information, support, and online forums for nurses seeking registration.


Once you have successfully completed the registration process, you will be able to practice as a registered nurse in Australia. You will need to renew your registration every five years to maintain your practicing status.

We hope this article has provided you with a clear understanding of the registration process for nurses in Australia. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact AHPRA.